
FAR FROM YOUR SUN – A Thousand Lives (Official lyric video)

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“A Thousand Lives” by the project “Far From Your Sun” was released on March 25, 2021, on YouTube, hoping for a progressive rock genre hit. The song has got more than 3000 views within three days of publishing which is a sign that it will go viral soon.
Far From Your Sun is a project aiming to showcase current rock music compositions by bringing together talented artists from various backgrounds such as photography, painting, and writing.
The leading head behind “A Thousand Lives” animation video is Anik Mahmud, a freelance graphic designer in Bangladesh. He has worked with a team of rock artists to demonstrate his talents in graphic design and animation.
It starts with “ I know a place, behind your dream, where you can fly, up to the stars,” the lyrics took our hearts right away as they are more like poetry than a verse. To understand what’s behind the song, watching the animated video was necessary. It was about women who suffer because of men. The singer invites the suffering women to leave the suffering life and be free.

The musician behind this short song, “A Thousand Lives,” is unknown, maybe because he wanted to be anonymous. Far From Your Sun are an intriguing and talented band that will offer more inspiring songs in the future.




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