The latest single Rose of Sharon introduces the Karega Bailey sound and style in a lasting way. Setting the mood with ease, a slowly emerging ambiance creates a cinematic sense of immersion – as well as tipping its hat back to the simpler hip hop set-ups of times past. Karega Bailey is an angel parent, a social-emotional healing practitioner, and an award-winning educator and recording artist. With him being renowned as a well-known Peace Advocate he uses his music as a weapon of spreading love and to talk about the social issues we face today.
Moments of melody and various structural shifts help keep things engaging every step of the way. Meanwhile, the story is told, personal and intriguing, with the occasional familiar reference for feelings of confidence and drive. Anyone who listens to his amazing songs will love the initial vibe it gives with the melody and the ambiance but deep down the message he conveys about healing the black and brown community is priceless.