When it comes to Reggae music, it will always be simple and give you a unique vibe inside and out. Neela Litchi is an ew Independent artist from Maryland who loves to make Reggae music and she really enjoys the same. “Senseless Foole” is the recently released single by Neela Litchi to all the beloved audience out there.
Reggae rhythms and simple, organic musicianship guide us seductively into a catchy and summertime. Driving with distant vocals and a subtle live sound that’s somewhat nostalgic and genuine in set-up, Neela Litchi offers a series of infectious melodies and a mellow-paced section for increased dynamics.
This whole thing is not a common style of late, and with Neela Litchir’s unique take on structure and melodic switching for the whole track, there’s all the more reason to check this one out. Driving with a clear sense of understanding and passion united, Neela Litchi offers an infectious and addictive single Senseless Foole for all the reggae lovers with great passion.
Neela Litchi has done a nice video along with this awesome track and that whole thing is unique and pleases your eye, heart at the same time. Without a doubt, this is a creative production and catchy song-writing met with melancholic openness regarding the concept of love as Neela Litchi leads with color and contempt throughout a bold and brilliant Senseless Foole.
Follow the artist on Instagram, Twitter.