
Serotonin by iRod+Aux

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iRod+Aux is a singer and songwriter who offers an uplifting and somewhat infectious melody, not to mention a hopeful and inspiring vision, with his latest track “Serotonin” this awesome soul will conquer the world of music in a different way.

The open nature of the lyrics works well in bringing together more and more people who are likely to be able to relate to the words and the issues raised throughout. It’s an effective way to write a pop song, and it contrasts with the issue of excluding or ignoring people by doing the very opposite – there’s a sense of togetherness, of everyone is welcome to join the fight. The fight is for equality, the song being a force for good; a drive for positivity and understanding.

The music is great, this awesome soul brings a good level of energy, and as mentioned – the passion is consistent throughout, in both the vocal performance and in the build-up of the music. The instrumentation is stylish and skillful – every riff, every added sound, every moment the beat brings about.

The lyrics are simple but effective, the imagery is powerful as it conjures up certain emotions that tie in well with the concept. The verses express the issues, and the hook expresses one of the only currently accessible solutions. As the song develops, the drive for change increases in presence and intensity, and the music reinforces all of this really well. The singer offers another wonderful voice in an ever-important and, hopefully, growing ocean of hope and positive influence. Well worth supporting.

Serotonin” is a track that quite simply has something about it that is striking and captivating. The words fall into your mind almost like drops of rain, each one surrounded and supported by its various musical counterparts, and so the whole thing as a complete soundscape is every bit as effective as anything else put out by World Of iRod+Aux. There’s an undeniable level of originality to the sound of the voice, the performance style, and indeed the lyrics chosen and expressed throughout. It’s an experience to listen to, not merely a song to have playing in the background – though in all honesty, it works brilliantly in either setting.

What’s also interesting about this particular track is that there is a definite sense of structure to the piece, the backdrop does vary a little at times, and the lyricism, the performance, and even a touch of melody, all switch up accordingly. There’s an unquestionable level of artistry with a great vibe. It’s a brilliant sound, a brilliant track – great energy, great vibes, and a really unique and clever set of lyrics. One for the long-term playlist, without a doubt.

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