
Be Careful What You Do to Me by Emekx

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There’s something really soothing about this piece of music and writing. The simplicity of the soundscape is part of this, the minimalism of the soundscape, the space, the distant delicacy of the keys, the light drum-line. Emekx’s voice is another big part of it, his tone fits perfectly with the mood set by the instrumentation, as does the melody – again, simple but notably hypnotic as it slowly surrounds you.

At the same time as all of this, there’s something incredibly cool about the composition and the performance. By the end of the experience, this arrangement of notes, this overall progression through the riffs and sections of the song, makes certain to linger in your mind for quite some time. There’s actually a rhythmic break during the latter half of the track, at which point you’re likely to realize how swept away by the energy you had been. It feels briefly bare and you eagerly anticipate the return or ‘drop’ back to the manic vibrancy of before. Emekx has done a brilliant job with this one.

Emekx’s is a whispered voice, gentle, a little tired, honest. It makes the song feel like something incredibly personal, like a diary entry or a private encounter – a telephone call we were never meant to find ourselves listening in on. The lyrics later start to become more and more poignant as you progress, you wonder who the other is, the ‘you’ in question. You may even find yourself feeling an initial level of shock at the storyline but then totally understand this idea of someone or something who is bad for you simultaneously being the best you’ve ever had.

Emekx includes only the best of his writing here, his poetry, his personality, and he performs pretty flawlessly throughout both of the verses on this track, as well as throughout the backing soundscape. It’s likely there’s a lot more to come from him in the near future that will pleasantly surprise and impress any number of audiences.

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