
I Sit Here Smiling By Wes Dean

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Wes Dean’s return this month with “I Sit Here Smiling” brings something with a definite edge. The pace is up, the music has weight and draws an energetic and enthusiastic response from you – just as pop or rock intended back in the day. As always, his production is on point, never is the quality anything less than impeccable. What makes the music grab you though has to be the creative application, the expression of those feelings and thoughts, of that energy – making sure it reaches out and connects with its audience.

As the soundscape emerges, the instrumentation has a mind of its own – one that draws you in for reasons other than the familiarity of the title and the concept. Soon enough you get the melody line, a similar performance, though with a touch of rock passion sharpening up the edges just occasionally. The beat has a lot about it that stands out; you notice the drum line, the stop and start nature of the performance here, and surrounding this the rest of the track’s building blocks play equally unpredictable roles. It brings a new energy to the sound. As stated, the familiarity is there, the original enjoyment has been underlined, yet there’s a somewhat unexpected and even slightly haunting aura to the soundscape in this case, which makes for something pretty captivating.

When you witness this amazing video of “I Sit Here Smiling”, it surely gives you the positive vibes and love at the same time. The melody is incredibly effective in portraying each line and each idea in a way that makes certain you’ve taken it in. From a songwriting perspective, the whole thing progresses in a powerful and distinctly emotional way. There are one or two lines within the song that really provoke a reaction and stay with you after listening – the song’s hook not least of all has a definite strength. You really only need to hear this release once to familiarize yourself with it and to then recognise the music or indeed the Wes Dean signature sound thereafter. His personality and musicianship come through in equal parts and it makes for a truly unique listening experience.

I Sit Here Smiling” is indeed a track dedicated to the good times. It reaches out to generations past and present – the sound offers a touch of nostalgia for those who’ve been familiar with it for decades now, and a fresh touch of realism and relevance for anyone looking for that authentic, new video experience – something that is categorically different to the majority of mainstream releases, and yet that relates to those familiar, ever agreeable good times that are shared by so many. As stated, it’s a winning formula, and the artist  somehow successfully fuses the grit and realness of pop with a fairly polished level of production that allows the song to really shine brightly. There’s a lot to remember and recognise after even just a single listen – the riffs, the leading voice, the personality, and of course the hook. It all leaves its mark. Hopefully there’s more to come from this talented soul.

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