
Livable by Bloonz Billionfold

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Hip Hop artist “Bloonz Billionfold” has managed to encapsulate the vibe of this amazing, creative style in his newest single Livable.” Born and raised in Baltimore city, Bloonz Billionfold comes from an eclectic musical background and this talented soul always wanted to do something unique and amazing for all the audience out there. 

Bloonz Billionfold’s songwriting is incredibly awesome, his expressive and intelligent use of language runs in unison with his flawless vocal abilities. Even the way in which he fuses different vocal tones together within a single piece is compelling and presented with wonderful continuity. As an artist, his vibe, charm, and his style have something wonderfully fresh about him. At the same time, the amazing touch of the sound feels comforting, and as the lyrics unfold you fall further and further into the emotion of the song.

Bloonz Billionfold’s voice has a soulful presence that’s powerful yet gentle in a completely unique way. There’s this undeniable touch about the way he sings that feels so inherently natural that it immediately puts the spotlight on him. Whether it be with a subdued attitude in the verses or a looser and more open feel in the choruses, Bloonz Billionfolda’s voice is a force that will not be ignored and he has crafted a masterful blend of hip hop and rap with Livable” and it’s an absolute delight to listen to. The song swings with its infectious rhythms and the exemplary electric music work adds just the right amount of hip hop and charm. 

Of course, the track has that undisguised confidence commonly found in hip hop, another tip of the hat to further genres. All of this in unison makes the song fit in right now with the music culture that is making waves. At the same time, you can’t help but notice there’s something pretty unique about it all. The “Bloonz Billionfold” approach brings together all areas of creativity and inspiration. It hits with impact, for sure, and the very second you hear that riff exploding through the speakers you know where it’s coming from. A well-timed release with a lot of weight to work well.

Once “Bloonz Billionfold” enters the picture, he serves as the perfect conduit between the music and the listeners – allowing them to become fully immersed in this world. “Livable” is a totally memorable song that cleverly narrates the stuff in an awesome way. The whole attitude and approach of the track seem perfectly catered to that concept. An easy must for the year.

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