
Mirror of Wishes by Michael Kwok

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Mirror of Wishes” by “Michael Kwok” is a release that offers a gentle yet intriguing musical ambiance, one within which you can look to feel slightly more laid back about the world and all of its problems.

The music is fairly minimalist at first, snippets of instrumentation and samples that you wouldn’t ordinarily find paired up in music, arrive in unison as if they were born to be together. There’s an awesomeness and a touch of pop to the completed composition, and there are certain climatic peaks that really draw your focus to the rising energy of both.

Beginning with the simple, organic strum and gentle rhythm of the violin, the track emerges in a way that feels all at once calm and manic, floating around your personal stillness yet carrying you along at high speeds. The connection between the sound and the concept is incredibly powerful – the journey, the beauty of those riffs and melodies – it all seems right at home alongside the rhythm and ambiance driving the track’s pace. It’s a clever composition that feeds off of the title and the creative imagination of the producer in a hugely effective way, making for an enjoyable, uplifting few minutes of listening.

Structurally Michael Kwok has done exactly as is necessary in order to draw you in and keep your attention throughout. The opening few moments are gentle, subtle, introducing the story line with delicacy and plenty of space. Then as things progress, the soundscape explodes, not through additional instrumentation, just through genuine passion. It’s effective exactly as it is, and it’s very clear that a live performance from both involved would be almost identical to this, if not loaded with even more passion – adding further to that lost in the moment effect.

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