If you are a true alternative music lover, you can enjoy listening to “Mr. BrightSide” from the first second to the last second of the song. Every bit of it has energy and harmony that only a true music lover will understand. It is a duet done with two of the most symphonious instruments; acoustic guitar and the harp. Music made with these two instruments naturally become euphonious, and with the eclectic music of “Mr. Brightside,” we are simply blown away.
Chad Rubin is an alternative pop artist from Arizona. He is a producer, singer, multi instrumentalist, and songwriter that is versatile and multi-talented. He began playing music at a young age with his family and started playing in bands at the age of twelve. The Killers is a duo created with Chad Rubin and the harpist Adrienne Knauer. These highly talented artists make music for Mr. Brightside, and it is simply amazing.

The song flows on non-other than an acoustic guitar and harp tones which are smooth, peaceful, and euphonious. The beats are made with a beat box. Chad Rubin plays both beat box and the acoustic guitar. Beautified with flawless and attractive lyrics, Chad sings in a smooth, harmonic and confident voice that gives the music extra energy. You will unknowingly dance to Mr. Brightside, at least move your head because it is so energetic and enthralling. The lyrics are heart touching with lovely words, “I want it all! Started out with a kiss.. how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss.. It was only a kiss…..”
Watch the live cover of “Mr. Brightside” on Youtube. Find out more about Chad Rubin on Google.