
February 28 by CryBaby ShayWay

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“February 28″ A Heartfelt Birthday Dedication To A Beautiful Angel Kelvon (Kip Daniels),” a wistfully melodious, uplifting new single from an incredibly expressive “CryBaby ShayWay,” making for a timeless hit, built with an air of today merged with the crispness and unity of today’s RnB environment.

CryBaby ShayWay is a rising star in the music industry who primarily focuses on recording RnB music. “February 28” is her most recent R&B single, written as a birthday tribute to the Beautiful Angel “Kelvon (Kip Daniels).”

CryBaby ShayWay presents a catchy slice of emotional pop – with a hefty rhythm and overall style that keeps a strong feeling of identity at the forefront – with a delightfully soulful and silky take on modern RnB.

The new track, shot and edited by MG SWAYNE and showcasing a series of sharp, fascinating visuals, pays homage to the music of a different era. CryBaby ShayWay starts with breathy, sensual RnB vocals and supports that idea with calm musical vibes and easy dancing routines further to relight the genre’s style from way back.

February 28 clocks in at three and a half minutes and features a variety of sections, each one delivering a new melody, varying weight in terms of the richness of the arrangement, and enough versatility to pique a listener’s interest in a live performance.

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