
PORES by Cuarenta Porter

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Cuarenta Porter’s flow and vocal delivery on this latest release light up the room. “PORES” kicks in with brightness and style and never lets up until it’s over, with more character than ever, a relentlessly upbeat, energizing rhythm and tempo, and an underlying, colorful beat melodically on point.

“PORES” begins with a distinct yet recognizable vocal arrangement — modern hip hop and rap blend with a decidedly dreamy groove. Though your attention is drawn to this vocal melody and rhythm’s smooth and charming yet fast flow, you quickly see past the stylistics.

It’s likely that when you first hear Cuarenta Porter’s music, it’ll be that voice that stands out — there’s a distinct tone and feeling of character to this vocal and delivery technique. The positive vibrations of the soundscapes, reflections, and concepts start to mix brilliantly with that immediate level of personality the farther you get through. “PORES” is an excellent example and a terrific place to start if you’re unfamiliar with his work.

While the record has a distinct edge of contemporary rap styles and sounds, Cuarenta Porter merely uses this to pique an audience’s curiosity. The remainder of the work, the music, and the way it all moves forward and backward at random points all contribute to a level of originality that you begin to know as this artist’s calling card.

Everything is kept simple: the video’s captivating aesthetics, a single outpouring of thoughts, and a hunger for success. Cuarenta Porter’s lyrics are spot-on at every turn – there’s a sense of direction, a sense of depth – these aren’t random bars; everything is connected to the underlying notion, which makes it hit home in its own natural and fantastic way. Hopefully, there will be lots more in the future.

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