
Real World by Stray Tablet

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“Real World” is a rapid turnaround from his previous composition and its consequence. Stray Tablet delivers yet another engrossing piece of music, fusing emotion and softness, melody and catchiness, intensity and deliberate delicacy in a wonderfully immersive, thought-provoking manner.

Stray Tablet’s voice is lovely and fascinating. The whole thing has a slightly shakey appearance, which works hugely in its favor – the presentation actually feels like an in-the-room engagement, warm and authentic. Furthermore, the lyrics deftly tread the line between the detailed and the broadly accessible. 

“Real World” begins with a beautiful soundscape, followed by organic and peaceful flickers in the distance. A relatively quiet and breathy singing completes the song. The music as a whole creates a cinematic experience for listeners, taking them along these smokey back streets while hints of a tale and imagery rain down softly around them.

This composition has done an excellent job of keeping things interesting consistently. In that regard, “Real World” is unquestionably a standout. It stands out for its colder, late-night mood, the vast nature of the composition, and the melody’s subtle swagger. 

“Real World” is a song with significance, depth, and purpose, and this becomes clearer as the song progresses through its nearly one-minute duration. The single evolves from basic beginnings, via solos and appealing music-work, into a musical dream that screams to be heard live.

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