
Leave it at the tone by Lil Flow

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Leave it at the tone showcases a talented vocalist and rapper with a fairly unique sound. The track itself takes a little bit from the classic r&b sound, the mellow vibe, a slight vintage, and fuses it with an incredibly energetic rap performance. The laid-back and calming sound of the musical backdrop contrasts notably with the high energy of the rap vocal. This song gets the basics on point when it comes to essential elements in a good hip-hop song. So it appeals to a vast number of hip hop lovers all around the world. It also offers up something more intense; faster, creatively independent, with a huge collection of lyrics and an unquestionable amount of character embedded in the performance. 

Lil Flow is the rising rap artist who brings this amazing track to us. With its quality, it has created quite a buzz in the rap community. He is from Perth, Australia.  Lil Flow blends his native culture with the rapping culture in order to give his songs the true Australian taste. He was inspired by the likes of juice world, kid large to rap and his passion for music made him a full-time rap artist. He likes to make his audience happy and educated about the current world situations and put in a lot of hard hours to create quality music. 

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