
Share Kindness, Be Like Christmas by The Truth Tale

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Share Kindness, Be Like Christmas is a stunning discovery, the essence of organic  Alternative Rock is clear and captivating, and Conceptz has the kind of calm confidence about their voices and their performances that rides alongside the music beautifully. The Truth Tale is an Indie / Alternative Rock Band Project founded by singer-songwriter John Allen Mitchell in 2011. The Truth Tale’s musical journey has been inspired by a wide range of influences and life events.

That calm sort of confidence mentioned has the effect of attracting your attention by means of this certain skillful and effortless swagger that has the perfect rhythm to it. The Truth Tale has a flow that fits this style of music brilliantly, their voices sound smooth yet occasionally gritty, very much in keeping with the themes touched on throughout – their lyrics have an undeniable honesty about them that is hugely valuable. The way in which the artists reflect upon their lives and their experiences thus far has so much appeal.

The music of “Share Kindness, Be Like Christmas” is stylish, there’s a sense of peace about it, yet on the whole, the sound is quite striking. It creates a calming ambiance that quickly sets an easy-going vibe for listeners to revel in, but there’s nothing overly mellow or laid back about the rock performances involved – there’s an increasing level of passion in the sound of the voices, and this expresses the lyrics and ideas in a way that builds in intensity alongside the soothing overtones of the instrumentation.

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