
Kulem Oy by Arnito

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Arnito is an artist based in Annecy, France. He has released many songs on Spotify, and he has a huge fan base on the platform. People are attracted to his songs because of his jazz, classical, folk and world music genre. He travels around the world to share and feed his passion for music. His authenticity and artistic exchange’s quest took him from Malian villages to Indian ground, through Andalucian gipsy’s community. In addition to his extensive live and studio experience (thousands of concerts, 18 self-products albums, and dozens of various styles recording sessions ), Arnito is offering diverse artistic, creation and teaching project, to transmit his particular vision of music.

“Arnito” has his own music style and every time he tries to do his best for his audience. As a result, his Spotify songs have thousands of streams. Today, we introduce you to his new release, “Kulem,” which is available on Spotify. I hope you all enjoy the track.

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